My sister, Quinn, turned 18 on April 2nd and one of her favorite Youtubers of all time is Markiplier.
(Click here for his videos! They're worth it. Trust me.)
He's so unbelievably funny, entertaining, kind, humble, generous ... handsome*...
*Exhibit A:
(Okay, so we both love him. Can you blame us, though)?
Anyway! I thought what better way to celebrate getting old than making Markiplier Warfstache cookies! Makes sense, right?! Right. I thought so.
(haha Quinn's getting old! ... Wait, that means I'm old already. Crap).
I used the basic roll out shortbread cookie recipe my family uses all the time. It's incredibly simple and we've used it forever, so I'm not sure where we even found the original recipe. It's great because it doesn't contain eggs! It's also terrible because it doesn't contain eggs! I probably eat more cookie dough than actual baked cookies with this recipe. I need to work on that whole self control thing. Eventually... Maybe...
Simple Shortbread Cookies
- 1 1/2 cups salted butter, softened
- 1 cup confectioners sugar
- 1 tbsp vanilla extract
- 3 cups flour
Preheat your oven to 325 degrees. In a large bowl, beat the butter until it's creamy. Add the sugar and beat until the mixture is smooth. Add the vanilla and mix. Add the flour and mix until just incorporated. You don't want to over mix the dough! Divide the dough into two pieces and shape into a slightly flattened disk. Wrap the portions in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour. When you're ready to break out the cookie cutters, prep your work area with a small amount of flour. Roll out the first portion of dough to your desired thickness. I usually keep mine around 1/2 inch or so. Lightly flour your cookie cutter of choice and cut away! Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or non-stick aluminum foil. Place your cookies on the sheet and, depending on the size of your cookies, bake them for about 14 to 16 minutes, or until the edges start to brown. Just keep an eye on them to get your baking time just right. After you take them out of the oven, let them cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely. Then decorate like there's no tomorrow!
Or eat them plain.
(Or be like me and do a little bit of both).
See? It's a pretty simple recipe.
(Note: I didn't keep track of how many cookies the recipe yields. It's quite a few, though. If memory serves me right, I managed to get at least 2 dozen with one portion of dough).
To be honest, this blog wasn't even on my radar when I made these, so I sadly don't have any baking process pictures. (I'll be sure to get those for any future posts, though)! The mustache cookie cutters I used had been sitting unused in a box since I bought them at some point during 2014. I know, I know. Mustache cookie cutters should always be used and loved, but I just never got around to it. I'm a bad cookie cutter owner. Please forgive me!
I also cheated and used store bought frosting to decorate these delicious mustahcios. Frosting and I have never gotten along too well ... So, rather than risk total and complete devastation (!!!), I opted for a tube of already prepared pink frosting.
And it probably took entirely way too long to frost these cookies, but my arthritic hands had a different point of view! By the time I finished frosting all of the cookies, my right hand was stuck in a beautiful clawed position for about 5 minutes. I felt like a dinosaur. I may or may not have walked around my kitchen like a velociraptor. I'll let you be the judge.
(I did. It was fun).
To be quite honest, I'm not entirely happy with my frosting job. (I told you frosting and I don't get along very well)! But, it served it's purpose and the cookies turned out super adorable anyway!
And the most important thing was that Quinn loved them! They added just the right touch to her Youtube birthday theme. =)
I'd eventually love to give these another go so that I can conquer the art of frosting cookies. Or maybe make some dinosaur shaped cookies for the release of Jurassic World! (Which I'm super excited for)!!!
Thanks so much for reading! Let me know what you think or if you make any cookies yourselves in the comments below.
And as always, bake on with your bad selves!
- Jackie
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